Simple Rules for our Design

Hello, community!  As we build the framework for the design of HSD Gathering 2025, the core team has chosen some simple rules to guide design decisions.  We wanted to share them here and get your input – how might they be more fit for purpose?  Let us know and join the design conversation… and register while the Early Bird pricing is in place ($625 CAD until Jan 31)

We know that joy is at the centre of HSD and we want to make sure we keep the “fun” in fit for function!  We won’t take ourselves too seriously at HSDG 2025, even when we are wrestling with challenging wicked issues.  There will be nature, and good food, and lots of chances to connect with people and celebrate our community.  

We want to honour and engage the hard core HSDers AND we would like to extend the community to others who may be working in adjacent areas or who have not yet had the chance to hear about Human Systems Dynamics.  Coaches, activists, Agile practitioners, community builders, teachers, leaders, consultants… we want them all to hear what HSD might offer them in the way of seeing and understanding patterns so they can act with courage.  And we want to hear from them how they see the world of complexity, so if you have connections to a person or a community who could benefit, and from whom we could learn, please invite them!  We will make them welcome.

We want there to be space in our program and in our ways of connecting with all of you to let the magic happen.  We will make sure there are opportunities to have spontaneous conversations, both before and during our time together.  We look forward to hearing what you want to offer to, and how you want to benefit from, HSD Gathering 2025.  Please share your ideas by replying to this blog (below) or commenting on the LinkedIn HSD Plaza page.  Dazzle us with your ideas for session topics, activities or ways of demonstrating HSD models, methods and approaches!

We brought this Simple Rule back to active duty and have put the emphasis on the learning, so we remember to lean into the advantages of having thrown our net wide.  The ways and places we each address complexity in the world can be so varied, and we want our design to support exploration and co-creation.

We want our feet to always be standing in reality, and we want everyone who participates in HSD Gathering 2025 to walk away feeling better prepared to see, understand and act in that reality.  We know HSD theory is solid, and we want participants to experience and share how useful the practice of HSD can be in their lives and work.  Be prepared for lots of So Whats and Now Whats!

So let us know… what do you think about our Simple Rules for design?  What are you still wondering about how we will put this program together?  We will be sharing our evolving design framework before the end of the year, so watch for that and think about how you can add to it.

Remember to register while the Early Bird pricing is in effect!